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Fortifying Futures for our Youth

We are convening partners to build the future we wish to see and live in.


Project Goals

Emergent Ideation + Co-Design

Meaningful power is noticeable, and we understand that communities have the spaciousness to cultivate solutions and a sense of self-determination through co-destined experiences. We believe in building with, not for. This project will cultivate and ideate upstream and asset-based projects that materialize a vision for communities having the things that obviate youth incarceration and unhoused youth and moving those emerging possibilities through a youth-vetted process to funder supported model implementation.  


Youth Voice Cultivation + Leadership

Our intention is to give youth power. We work as allies to ensure youth experiences, perspectives, and aspirations are not only heard, but valued and acted upon. Fortifying Futures will co-create a youth-focused space that will be an incubator for project ideation, mentorship, and self-determination. This space will nurture joyful youth leadership and provide key feedback for this project. We will hold ourselves and each other accountable to youth brilliance through several modalities as well as group observations of values in action.    


Communal Wellness + Fostering Deep Relationships

We are moving at the speed of relationships. We are building a container for deep change while honoring that we are also a part of that container and community. To create from a true space of abundance requires supporting all to feel seen, heard, and cared for through this journey. We desire to meet people where they are by supporting opportunities for mental health supports, financial compensation, professional coaching, network connections, mentorship and training opportunities.    


Transforming Power

Change is the only constant. All project groups have a specific learning and unlearning journey arc that will support that group in recognizing and shifting power. We are aiming to unbecoming the subjects of research and philanthropic endeavors for our communities by including all project participants in the co-creation of process documentation. Our project funders are a part of this journey and enter the space with the understanding that they are not the drivers and do not predetermine outcomes for us.  

Phase I – Planning

September 2023 – January 2024

Phase II – Convening

February 2024 – October/November 2024

Phase III – Cultivating

October 2024 – February/May 2025

Phase IV – Evaluation + Beta Testing

Estimated 15 months

Phase V – Implementation

Estimated 12 months

We’d love to hear from you.