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Brenda Majercin

Brenda Majercin



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Brenda is a learner, connector, and strategic arranger. She has successfully navigated leadership roles in the philanthropic, nonprofit, and private sectors and brings passion and energy for contributing to the growth and evolution of teams and organizations. Over a 30-year career in resource development, she has built and nurtured mission-driven teams, conceptualized and launched innovative programs and positioned them for growth and long-term success, and cultivated numerous fruitful collaborations.

Brenda prides herself in the ability to identify and understand complex philanthropic and organizational priorities and to develop strategies designed to enhance support. She has experience building strong collaborative relationships across and beyond organizations. She has a deep and enduring commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, with a career that has afforded her many opportunities to strengthen her strong social justice orientation.

One of the great joys of her career has been creating spaces to reflect and grow, connect and create, tapping into a team’s purpose, and implementing the changes they want to make in the world.

“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion”
bell hooks